South Newport Baptist Church

Women’s and Men’s Ministries

Women of Purpose

A mission-minded group of women whose goal is to honor God by helping the helpless, giving joy to the joyless and loving the loveless in Jesus’ name.

women's ministry

Second Monday of every month

6:30-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall

We gather in the Fellowship Hall to discuss and plan the many opportunities we have to serve our church family and our community.  We have several activities that serve as an opportunity to reach out to neighbors, friends and acquaintances: Spring Luncheon, Backpack distribution to our county elementary school children, Thanksgiving meals, Christmas Cookie Exchange, Trunk or Treat event and so much more.

Men on Mission

Our Men’s Ministry provides opportunities to fulfill God’s five purposes in their lives of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions.

men's ministry

First Saturday of every month 

8:15am in the Fellowship Hall

Come join the men of our church for a homemade breakfast, devotional and fellowship.  Additional activities are scheduled throughout the year.