- Life groups foster close relationships and integral community. The small group atmosphere is ready-made for building friendships. People talk more in small groups of people. People are quick to recognize needs and help to meet them. The relationships formed within small groups form a strong fabric within a church. Relationships that are formed outside of the setting of a church service, are relationships that will endure and strengthen over time.
- Life groups provide an ideal way to care for the needs of people within the church. When one believer in a small group is struggling financially, emotionally, spiritually, socially, etc., it is much easier for the members of the group to notice and provide help. The structure of a small group is essentially a community of believing friends.
- Life groups provide a way for Christians to live out their faith instead of merely hearing more preaching or teaching. If Sunday morning is for listening, then the rest of the week is for living. Whether it’s discussing the Sunday sermon, talking about a spiritual battle, or simply praying for one another, small groups create a context for Christians to live out their faith in real life.
- Life groups participate in focused prayer for one another. Prayer cannot be overrated, but it is often under practiced. Life groups can better participate in prayer for one another.
Join us at 9:15 am every Sunday for Life Groups! Something for all ages.

Christ-centered chronological study of Bible stories that tell the story of God’s plan to rescue his people through his son, Jesus Christ
NURSERY: Infant to age 3 (not potty trained) Lead Teacher: Cara Johnson Nursery
Pre-K through KINDERGARTEN: 3 years and potty trained through Kindergarten Lead Teacher: Cara Johnson Room: 113
ELEMENTERY CHILDREN: 1st grade through 6th grade Lead Teacher: Judy Laroche Room: 112

Upstairs in Room 210
Teacher: Annette Goodrich
Adult Life Groups:

in the Old Sanctuary
Lead Teacher: Mike Grissino

Old Fellowship Hall
Lead Teacher: Alton Salter

Twelve Ordinary Men
Old Choir Room off the main Sanctuary
Co-Teachers: Stan Westbrook/Adrian Daniels